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The Total Motion Aquathlon - Athlete Profile – Jess Thorpe

In the second of our series profiling GB AG athletes that will be appearing at the Total Motion Aquathlon in April, here we introduce Jess Thorpe.  Jess has been successfully representing her country since 2013 with the fantastic support of Team Dillon & SwansUK.  She is certainly a highly motivated competitor and attributes her success in part to the elite athletes that she has trained besides.  Find out what's on Jess' playlist when she needs to train hard and discover her secret source of energy as well as what events may lie ahead..

Name:                     Jess Thorpe Tri Club:                   Team Dillon BTF AG Category:   30-34 AG athlete since:     2013

Titles / medals:

2016 European Aquathlon AG champion 2016 British open water AG champion 2016 European bronze medalist Biathle 2016 8th at World Biathle championships 2016 Welsh AG 400m & 800m champion 2015 National AG 800m champion 2013 English Channel swimmer 

[Total Motion] Which is you favourite (multi-sport) discipline and why? [Jess Thorpe] Swimming. Always happy in the water. I was a swimmer as a teenager and lucky enough to swim in a club with medalists at Greece and Sydney Olympics so was always being inspired to strive further. 

[TM] What is the best piece of (sports) advice you’ve received? [JT] Consistency consistency consistency. Nothing comes without working hard day in day out. And believe in yourself. 

[TM] What/who motivates you or what is your favourite inspirational quote? [JT] There's no elevator to success, you've got to take the stairs. Being part of team Dillon is a big motivation. The best coaches around who are there through thick & thin. 

[TM] What music/song do you listen to whilst you are training?[JT] Puff daddy & the family: Victory

[TM] What is your 2017 target?[JT] To do better than 2016!

[TM] What piece of kit/tech can you not do without?[JT] My Swans goggles & sunglasses. The Japanese company are the original goggle makers and the best in the market.

[TM] What are the essential elements of a great event? [JT] Good marshalling, organisation, clear course plan and a bag drop.

[TM] What is your greatest/most memorable sporting achievement to date? [JT] Winning European aquathlon championships in 2016 is my proudest event to date. I had a great swim in the front pack and then held on for the run playing catch with a French lady. The fab gb support on the course no doubt helped a lot too. Never been happier to see the finish line. 

[TM] Which event/challenge is on your bucket list? [JT] Marathon des Sables and Escape from Alcatraz. One day! Certainly not this year though. 

[TM] What is your guilty pleasure? [JT] Peanut butter. Eat it by the spoonful. 

📷 [Jess Thorpe (3rd from left) winning gold at the 2016 Chateauroux ETU European Aquathlon Championships]

You can follow Jess on the following channels

Twitter       @thorpedojess Instagram  @Jess.Thorpe Instagram  @TeamDillonCoaching Instagram  @SwansUK




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