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Total Motion Towerrunners Training Sessions

Tuesdays 6-7pm & 7-8pm | Broadgate Tower

Next Event:
Every Tuesday 6-7pm & 7-8pm

The Total Motion Towerrunnes is a community of stair climbers who come together every Tuesday evening to train on the stairwell of The Broadgate Tower.  There are a wide range of abilities that attend, from those that are relative newcomers to stairs, to international standard elite athletes, but it is a friendly and welcoming group, who support each other and newcomers.


Training sessions vary in nature and offer the flexibility to train in a way that suits you, your fitness and your goals.  Some will climb the 35 floors, bottom to top, once, twice, three times or more, whilst others will concentrate on shorter, faster intervals, or indeed a combination.

There is a lot of experience in the group, so whether you are using stairs to improve your strength and cardio to benefit your other sporting endeavours, or training for an upcoming stair event, there will be members of the community who can offer you advice.


There is a small charge for each session, but your first session is free (use code 'TASTER' at checkout). So come along and try a session with us, or if you are part of a running (or any other) group or community, then please contact us to discuss arranging a free group taster session on the stairs.

If you want to find out more about tower running join our social communities:


Instagram | TM_Towerrunners
Facebook  | Total Motion Towerrunners

See you at Broadgate Tower!

Total Motion Towerrunners Training Sessi


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